Reviewing Assignments as an Educator

  1. To review an assignment, click the Professor Pages menu and select the Completed Interviews menu.
  1. Search for and click on the name of the student whose assignment you want to review.
  1. You’ll be redirected to the student’s interview. The video player will appear on the left side of the screen with a list of the questions asked in the interview, to the right. Select a question to view the student’s response.
  1. Use the comment box under the question list to post comments. Type your comment and click post. The comment will contain a timestamp in order for the student to see exactly where a comment occurs in the interview.
  1. Click the filler word counter buttons to count filler words as they occur in the interview.
  1. At the bottom of the screen, fill out the assessment template, and click “Save My Assessment”.
  1. After submitting your assessment, you’ll have the option to download a copy of the assessment. Click the Download Assessment button to download a copy of the assessment.

Click the Register link in the menu bar to create a profile. Creating a profile allows you to track and maintain progress on course lessons you’ve started and completed.